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Ponce de Leon, R., Carter, J., & Rosette, A.S. (2024). Sincere solidarity or performative pretense? Evaluations of organizational allyship. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 180, 1-14.
Ma, A., Ponce de Leon, R., & Rosette, A.S. (2023). Asking for less (but receiving more): Women avoid impasses and outperform men when negotiators have weak alternatives. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Petsko, C. & Rosette, A.S. (2023). Are leaders still presumed white by default? Racial bias in leadership categorization revisited. Journal of Applied Psychology. 108(2), 330-340.
Ma, A., Rosette, A.S., & Koval, C. (2022). Reconciling female agentic advantage and disadvantage with the CADDIS measure of agency. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(12), 2115-2148.
Petsko, C., Rosette, A.S., & Bodenhausen, G. (2022) Through the looking glass: A lens-based account of intersectional stereotyping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(4), 763-787.
Fath, S., Ma., A., & Rosette, A.S. (2022). Self-views of disadvantage and success impact perceptions of privilege among White men. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 169, 104-114.
Ponce de Leon, R. & Rosette, A.S. (2022). “Invisible” discrimination: Divergent outcomes for the non-prototypicality of Black women. Academy of Management Journal, 65(3), 784-812.
Ma, A., Fath, S., & Rosette, A.S. (2022). People can learn to recognize their racial privilege. Harvard Business Review. August 15.
Koval, C. & Rosette, A.S. (2021). The natural hair bias in job recruitment. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(5), 741-750.
Livingston, R.W. & Rosette, A.S. (2021). Subordination, stigmatization, or marginalization: The complexity of social disadvantage across gender and race. Ferdman, In B. M. Ferdman, J. Prime, & R. E. Riggio (Eds.), Inclusive leadership: Transforming diverse lives, workplaces, and societies. New York, NY: Routledge.
Rosette, A.S., Ponce de Leon, R., Koval, C. & Harrison, D. (2018). Intersectionality: Connecting experiences of gender with race at work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 38, 1-22.
Rosette, A.S. & Koval, C.Z. (2018). Framing advantageous inequity with a focus on others: A catalyst for equity restoration. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 283-289.
Khattab, J. & Rosette, A.S. (2017). Workplace barriers faced by women leaders in emerging markets. In C. Sheepers & S. Chengadu (Eds.), Women’s Leadership in Emerging Markets.
Rosette, A.S., Akinola, M., & Ma, A. (2017). Subtle discrimination in the workplace: Individual-level factors and processes. In E. King & A. Colella (Eds.), Oxford handbook on discrimination.
Rosette, A.S., Koval, C., Ma, A., & Livingston, R. (2016). Race matters for women leaders: Intersectional effects on agentic deficiencies and penalties. The Leadership Quarterly, 27, 429-445.
Rosette, A.S., Lebel, D., & Mueller, J. (2015). Are male leaders penalized when seeking help? The influence of gender and asking behaviors on agentic perceptions. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(5), 749- 762.
Rosette, A.S., Kopelman, S., & Abbott, J. (2014). Good grief! Anxiety sours the economic benefits of first offers. Group Decision and Negotiation, 23(3), 629-647.
Rosette, A.S., Carton, A., Bowes-Sperry, L. & Hewlin, P. (2013). Why do racial slurs remain prevalent in the workplace? Integrating theory on intergroup behavior. Organization Science, 24(5), 1402-1421.
Rosette, A.S. & Tost, L. (2013). Perceiving social inequity: When subordinate group positioning on one dimension of social hierarchy enhances privilege recognition on another. Psychological Science, 24(8), 1420-1427.
Rosette, A.S. & Livingston, R. (2012). Failure is not an option for Black women: Effects of organizational performance on leaders with single versus dual-subordinate identities. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(5), 1162-1167.
Rosette, A. S., Brett, J., Barsness, Z., & Lytle, A. (2012). When cultures clash electronically: The impact of e-mail and culture on negotiation behavior. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 43, 628-643.
Livingston, R., Rosette, A.S. & Washington, E. (2012). Can an agentic Black woman get ahead? The impact of race and interpersonal dominance on perceptions of female leaders. Psychological Science, 23, 4, 354 -358.
Carton, A. & Rosette, A.S. (2011). Explaining bias against black leaders: Integrating theory on information processing and goal-based stereotyping. Academy of Management Journal, 54, 6.
Rosette, A.S. & Tost, L. (2010). Agentic women and communal leadership: How role prescriptions confer advantage to top women leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 221 - 235.
Rosette, A.S., Leonardelli, G., & Phillips, K.W., (2008). The white standard: Racial bias in leadership categorization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 4, 758 - 777.
Kopelman, S. & Rosette, A.S. (2008). Crossing affective boundaries: Cultural norms and strategic emotional displays in negotiations. Group Decision and Negotiation, 17, 1, 65 – 77.
Rosette, A.S. & Dumas, T. (2007). The hair dilemma: Conform to mainstream expectations or emphasize racial identity. Duke Journal of Gender and Public Policy, 14, 407 – 421.
Kopelman, S., Rosette, A.S., & Thompson, L. (2006). The three faces of Eve: Strategic displays of positive, negative, and neutral emotions in negotiations. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 99, 81 - 101.
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